I've been lazy with updates so far in 2019 but today I'll jot down a few random thoughts that have been with me recently.
Once More Into The Fray
Tonight the Puck Hawgs are back into the playoff bracket with another chance at securing a championship. Since moving to a new rink 4 seasons ago, we've been in the running and lost 3 consecutive finals in what has become the toughest division we've played in our history as a team.
Our lineup is impressive with potent scoring and terrific defense and I struggle worrying that I am the weak link. Scanning the stats in the division, I sit mid-pack in GAA and no goalie has recorded a shutout but tonight as we take the ice for our first round game I hope that I can elevate my game to keep the pressure off my guys. I don't want them to have to score 7 just to have a chance at the win.
Lots of people call me "Big Al" in net but recently another team in the Puck Hawgs division added a new goalie– a transplant from up north I've heard. The kid is massive. 6'6" is my best guess and he plays a style not that different from my own. I think I will try and reach out to him and see if he's interested in a profile on this blog.
Responsible Skaters
I got absolutely destroyed in a game this week. A player on a break away skated full speed into me as I met him at the crease. The main point of contact was my head and two days later I'm still not feeling like myself. Whether or not I have suffered a concussion isn't the point. If you are playing beer league hockey knowing that every single one of us has to get up and go to work in the morning, why would you risk injuring yourself and someone else by skating out of control? Do me and every other player who pays to play hockey a favor. Play within your skill level.
New Bucket
I was lucky enough to win a raffle prize from GGSU (Goalie Gear Sluts United)– a Facebook group for tendies– who raise money for good causes every year. My prize was a custom bucket from New Image (http://www.newimagegoaliemask.com/) and I've reached out to them to ask for some photos of the mask in production. My hope is to share some information about the build process along with the final product. I'm really excited to see how it turns out and I may need to reach out to Skinfx (https://www.facebook.com/Skinfxwraps/)for a new wrap once it arrives.